Angol nyelv középszintű érettségi - Hallott szöveg értése / 2013. október 3. feladat 1. rész
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( Csak egy-egy szót mindenhova. )0. The U.S.A is one of the few countries in the world that celebrates ... Father’s ... ... Day ... as an official holiday.
1. On this special day in June, fathers are given ...... or treated to ...... by their children.
2. Some say that the origins of Father’s Day go back to West Virginia in ...... whereas according to others it all began in Vancouver (Washington) in ...... .
3. Mrs. Dodd thought that she had a(n) ...... father, who, by the way, was a(n) ...... of the Civil War.
4. After the early death of his ...... Mr. Dodd had raised their ...... children by himself.