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Halott angol szöveg értése 2013.október/3.b

Angol nyelv középszintű érettségi - Hallott szöveg értése / 2013. október 3. feladat 2. rész

Az érettségi feladat forrása: www.oktatas.hu

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat!

( Csak egy-egy szót mindenhova. )

0. The U.S.A is one of the few countries in the world that celebrates ... Father’s ... ... Day ... as an official holiday.

1. Originally, Mrs. Dodd approached her minister and others only about having a(n) ...... ...... dedicated to fathers.

2. From 1909 on, the state of Washington celebrated the third ...... in June as Father’s Day, and children made special ...... for their father.

3. It was only in ...... that Father’s Day was officially made a(n) ...... event.

4. When children can’t visit their fathers on that day, they usually send them a greeting card which is traditionally not ...... but ...... .

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